这是StackExChange.Redis在Github官网上的 代码,下面有文档教程大家可以自己去看看,同时我为大家找到了一位博友对上面一些文档教程的翻译,大家可以作为参考使用。
static void Main(string[] args) { #region 简单dome ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(",password=CeshiPassword"); IDatabase db = redis.GetDatabase(); string value = "name"; db.StringSet("mykey", value); Console.WriteLine(db.StringGet("mykey")); #endregion #region 使用ConfigurationOptions连接redis服务器 ConfigurationOptions configurationOptions = new ConfigurationOptions() { EndPoints = { { "", 6379 } }, CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet() { "INFO", "CONFIG", "CLUSTER", "PING", "ECHO", "CLIENT" }, available: false), KeepAlive = 180, DefaultVersion = new Version(2, 8, 24), Password = "CeshiPassword" }; IDatabase db1 = redis.GetDatabase(); string value2 = "name2"; db.StringSet("mykey2", value2); Console.WriteLine(db.StringGet("mykey2")); #endregion Console.ReadKey(); }
Because the
does a lot, it is designed to be shared and reused between callers. You should not create a ConnectionMultiplexer
per operation. It is fully thread-safe and ready for this usage. In all the subsequent examples it will be assumed that you have a ConnectionMultiplexer
instance stored away for re-use. But for now, let's create one. 所以我们创建一个单例来保存一个ConnectionMulitiplexer对象就可以了,同时我把一些配置放在config文件。
public class RedisManager { ////// redis配置文件信息 /// private static RedisConfig RedisConfig = RedisConfig.GetConfig(); private static ConnectionMultiplexer _redis; private static object _locker = new object(); public static ConnectionMultiplexer Manager { get { if (_redis == null) { lock (_locker) { if (_redis != null) return _redis; _redis = GetManager(); return _redis; } } return _redis; } } private static ConnectionMultiplexer GetManager(ConfigurationOptions configurationOptions = null) { if (configurationOptions == null) { configurationOptions = new ConfigurationOptions() { EndPoints = { { RedisConfig.WriteServerConStr } }, CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet() { "INFO", "CONFIG", "CLUSTER", "PING", "ECHO", "CLIENT" }, available: false), KeepAlive = RedisConfig.KeepAlive, DefaultVersion = new Version(2, 8, 24), Password = RedisConfig.PassWord }; } return ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(configurationOptions); } }
public class RedisCacheManager : ICacheManager { public static RedisCacheManager Instance = new RedisCacheManager(); public string Get(string key) { var db = RedisManager.Manager.GetDatabase(); return db.StringGet(key); } public T Get(string key) { var db = RedisManager.Manager.GetDatabase(); return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject (db.StringGet(key)); } public void Set (string key, T data, int cacheTime) { var db = RedisManager.Manager.GetDatabase(); string str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); db.StringSet(key, str, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(cacheTime)); } public void Set(string key, object data, int cacheTime) { var db = RedisManager.Manager.GetDatabase(); string str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); db.StringSet(key, str, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(cacheTime)); } public void Set(string key, object data) { var db = RedisManager.Manager.GetDatabase(); string str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); db.StringSet(key, str); } public bool IsSet(string key) { var db = RedisManager.Manager.GetDatabase(); return db.KeyExists(key); } public void Remove(string key) { var db = RedisManager.Manager.GetDatabase(); db.KeyDelete(key); }